Common Cat Allergies You Can Treat Within The Home

Your feline friend is your most trusted companion and naturally you want what is best for her. As a cat owner, you will be aware of some common illnesses that cats suffer from. Did you know that there are some common allergies that cats can suffer from too? While it can be scary to know that your kitty may be prone to some nasty allergies, be rest assured that these are easily treated within the home.

Common Cat Allergies

Flickr photo by: Robert Couse-Baker

An allergy, in short, is a physical reaction caused by the cat’s immune system. Typically, their immune system will react to something that doesn't agree with them. This can be from food, inhalation or external, environmental factors.  Your cat could be prone to allergic reactions from pollen, dust and insect bites, much like humans. While seeing your cat having an allergic reaction can be alarming, do not panic. These issues can be easily remedied within the home.

Food Allergies

Cats can become allergic to some foods, much like their human counterparts. Many cats commonly suffer from chicken and fish allergies. They can also be intolerant of dairy and pork. Do be careful what you feed your cat.

If your cat is suffering from an allergic reaction they may have a visible rash on their head, neck, feet and back. Their eyelids may become swollen and you may also see signs of hair loss. Usually, hair loss is a secondary symptom as it is caused by scratching. If your cat seems to be scratching more than usual, this could be a sign of an allergic reaction. Try to restrict your cat's diet to eliminate what is the cause of their discomfort. You can also treat the symptoms of an allergic reaction with veterinary medicine.

Feline Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis can be quite easy to spot. If your kitty has been subject to an insect bite, pollen, food hypersensitivity or chemical contact they may display signs of discomfort. Furthermore, they may show signs of skin irritation by excessively scratching their coat. They may also have dry flare ups on the skin where the fur has gone thin. Home remedies can make sure that your cat is back in full health in no time.

Flea Allergies

Fleas in cats can result in all sorts of different illnesses. While the flea itself can cause skin problems, many cats are allergic to the fleas themselves. Flea allergies are the most common allergy with our feline friends. A normal cat, who is not allergic to the fleas, will feel irritable with their infestation. A cat with a flea allergy, however, will have a severe reaction. The cat will often bite at their fur to try and remove the fleas. This can result in sores and wounds as they will have removed large clumps of their own fur. In this instance, prevention is better than cure so endeavour to introduce a strict preventative flea control regime with your cat. This will ensure they do not suffer from the onset a flea infestation, and the potential problems that can arise from flea bites.

Related Articles:

Cat First Aid Care 101

Cat Environment and Harmful Substances

Cat Health Matters

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