What Do You Really Know About Cats?
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If you do not know much about cats, but are in love with them, you are in the right place to learn! Our goal is to share all we learned about cats with all cat lovers out there!
You may believe that cats are an independent and self-sufficient pet, but they do require attention and care.
Here you will find information about the most important issues cat owners face and how to overcome them. You will learn that cats are very smart and peculiar about their environment. So, if you are about to adopt a cat or if you already have one or more cats, you will find some helpful information here.
Make your relationship with your pet rewarding and healthy!
We prepared various topics based on our own experience, they are easy to understand and to put in practice. Enjoy!
- Most common cat health issues. Of course the health issues of your cat will vary. There are environmental factors that can contribute to several illnesses, as well as what is in their gene.
- Stress factor. Cats are very sensitive animals. They will show changes in their behavior, or even show signs of illness if they feel stressed. It can be due a change on their routine, lapse of attention, an addition in the family, move to another location, travel, and even your stress around them.

- Behavior management and training. If your cat behavior change suddenly, and the issue or issues are not addressed properly, you will find that your cat will continue to misbehave. We compiled several easy techniques to address the most common issues.
- Beginners Guide. Find your purrrfect match. Finding out the best cat companion to match your life style will definitely make your relationship with your cat much easier and healthier. Of course your cat's personality is unique and impossible to predict, but you will find that different types of cat present a certain disposition depending on their breed.
Our goal is to share our knowledge and past experience about having cats. We hope you enjoy our site and share with us your experience, questions and photos...and don't forget to subscribe to our quarterly Love Cats Digest E-zine.
Looking to improve your quality of life and add mindfulness and self-love, visit Awakening Paradox.
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