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The Love Of My Cat

The Love Of My Cat Oct 12, 2017• By daniel miltz • She greeny eyes gaze into mine She gentle in the candlelight She moving look, making her shine

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Bella the Cat

It all started with an idea. My boyfriend and I decided we wanted to get a cat together. At first we wanted to adopt an older cat and give it a good life.

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Neko the crazy cat: discovering tap water

Neko-chan loves water and finds it amusing, tries to catch it with paws and even biting into it :)

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Bat hunter

A bat came in the chimney we didn't know what to do it got trapped in the kids room and the cat took over

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A Little Cat Left Home One Day

(not the author but would like to hear full version of this poem learned in childhood) A poem I learned in school but have forgotten some of the lines

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The Love Of My Cat

The Love Of My Cat Oct 12, 2017• By daniel miltz • She greeny eyes gaze into mine She gentle in the candlelight She moving look, making her shine

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Cats can make your day- Listen to what I say- Cats will play and create happiness galore- Cats love to play and love to explore- Cats are loveable in many

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BOOTSY our cat was a special breed- She was so smart it was agreed- She entertained herself with her toy- She created her very own joy- She'd run outside

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FRISKY just returned today- For ten days he had been away- Meowing at the window with sorry eyes- Seeing him return was a nice surprise- HE ate some food

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The Best Cat Breeds for Apartment Living

The best cat breeds for apartment living

Let's explore the best cat breeds for apartment living, what makes these breeds the best companions for the city living vs other cat breeds, and ...

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Help! Stop cat from peeing in the house

Hey Cat Lovers, I found this video super helpful and wanted to share it. There is so much more to cats' emotional side than we know. I hope this helps.

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Missing My Cat: Dealing with Loss Nearly a Year Later

I had to put my cat to sleep last year. It tore me up inside, and despite months passing - it feels like a year, but is about 9 months - and adopting a

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"A cat improves the garden wall in sunshine, and the hearth in foul weather." - Judith Merkle Riley

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