Daily Inspurrations To Help You Always Land on Your Feet by Romana Gould

by Romana Gould
(Chapin, SC)

Beautiful cat photos paired with messages about love, compassion, friendship, forgiveness, etc.

Daily Inspurrations: To Help You Always Land on Your Feet

Comments for Daily Inspurrations To Help You Always Land on Your Feet by Romana Gould

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Jun 30, 2014
This book makes you purrr.....
by: Sylvia Epstein

The author is a wonderful teacher and spiritual person with whom I have had the privilege to know and work with in my school. As Principal, when I hired her, I knew that she possessed the insights and compassion towards little people as well as her love for animals!

This book is a reflection of her spirit and her nurturing ability to heal everyone who reads it!

With affection and gratitude,

Sylvia Epstein

Jun 30, 2014
This book makes you purrr.....
by: Sylvia Epstein

The author is a wonderful teacher and spiritual person whom I have had the privilege to know and work with in my school. As Principal, when I hired her, I knew that she possessed the insights and compassion towards little people as well as her love for animals!

This book is a reflection of her spirit and her nurturing ability to heal everyone who reads it!

With affection and gratitude,

Sylvia Epstein

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