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Pita Cat Joins Meow Mix Acatemy

Pita cat joins Meow Mix Acatemy

Pita Cat and the team are very excited to announce that we've joined the Meow Mix Acatemy!

As a cat parent, you know the unique kind of joy these furry kids can bring you: the random, delighted sprint through the house, the gentle nuzzle on your neck, the purr that melts away all your cares. (Cats might just be the key to eternal happiness, wouldn't you agree?) 

Cat lovers everywhere share the same love and appreciation about their furry companion...they know that makes cats so remarkable, and for this reason it is important that we stick together... basically, we need our own version of a 'dog park.'

That's one of the reasons I started this blog (Youtube channel, etc.). I wanted to foster a sense of community among cat lovers – we are, after all, a special breed. :) As it turns out, Meow Mix cat food has the same wish – they've just launched this amazing group called Meow Mix Acatemy, a one-of-a-kind society for cat lovers to learn cool expert insights, see cat-related news, and get special perks. 

Cat Lovers and Meow Mix Acatemy

I'm a proud member – along with many other top cat bloggers, authors, and 'pet personalities' – and you're invited to join, too! Plus, all new members get a FREE bag of Meow Mix's new Irresistibles Treats... pretty sweet deal.

Curious? Watch this video to find out more:

Ready to get started? Sign up at:

Meet The Cat’s Meow Awards™ Winners!

Meow Mix fans have voted and the results are in!

Click here to view the Best Cat Cuddle Winner

Click here to view the Best Cat-hlete Winner 

Click here to view the Wild Cat Card Winner

2016 Cat Oscars: Meow Mix Announces the Year's Best Internet Cat Moments

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